The Position
- The Bursar is a Principal Officer of the College.
- He/She is the Chief Financial Officer of the Institution and responsible to the Rector for the day-to-day administration and control of the Financial Affairs of the Institution.
Qualifications and Experience
The candidate for the position of Bursar must:
- Be a holder of a good honours Degree in Accounting from a recognized Higher Institution; with at least 7 years post qualification cognate experience or Master’s Degree with at least 15 years accounting experience preferably in a Higher Institution
- Be a serving Chief Accountant/Deputy Bursar for at least, Five(5) years in a Polytechnic or Similar cognate institution.
- Resourceful and conversant with current Federal/State Government Financial Rules and Regulations.
- Be a member of any of the nationally recognized accounting bodies: ICAN, ANAN, ACCA or any recognized equivalent.
- Be honest, accountable, transparent and capable of providing sound leadership in financial management and administration with high sense of integrity.
- Be proficient in the use of Information and Communication Technologies in relation to Financial Management;
- Not be more than Fifty-nine (59) years of age as at the close of submission of application documents.
Terms of Appointment and Condition of Service
- The appointment of Bursar is for a single non-renewable term of Four (4) years
- The salary and other conditions of service attached to the post is as applicable in similar other Tertiary Institutions in Oyo State as may be reviewed from time to time by the Governing Council.
Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should attach to their applications, Thirty (30) copies of their Curriculum Vitae (C.V) and a detailed Statement of their Vision and Mission as part of the application document, giving details in the following order:
- Full Names with Surname in Capital
- Present Employment, Status and Salary
- Date and Place of Birth
- State of Origin, Senatorial District and Local Government Area
- Nationality
- Marital Status
- Name of Spouse
- Number, Names and Ages of Children
- Current Postal and Contact Address including Telephone Number and E-mail Address.
- Educational Institutions attended with dates
- Academic and Professional Qualifications obtained with dates.
- Academic and Professional Honours and Distinctions / Commendations with Dates Membership of Professional Bodies / Associations
- Work Experience in Chronological Orders Indicating Posts and Dates (most recent first)
- Academic / Scholarly Publications, Patents, Inventions, Exhibitions
- Conferences Attended and Papers Presented with Dates (if any)
- Other Curricular activities outside current employment
- Names and Addresses of Three (3) Referees (from Employer, Educational and Personal).
- Normal Signature and Date.
Applications are to be addressed and submitted in sealed envelopes marked “Application for the post of Bursar” at the Top left hand cover to:
The Regisrar,
Oyo State College Of Agriculture And Technology, Igboora,
P.M.B 10,
Igboora, Oyo State.
All documents in the application package should also be scanned as a single PDF document and sent as e-mail to: [email protected] using the Job Title as the subject of the mail.
Applicants are required to:
- Produce the Original of their Certificates and other relevant credentials for sighting if invited for interview (photocopies will not be acceptable)
- Present certificate of physical and mental health well-being from a Government Tertiary Hospital.
- Support every claim on the C.V with documentary evidence, where applicable; and
- Request their nominated Referees to forward on their behalf hard copies of their confidential reports directly to the Registrar, with scanned version of the signed copy of the report also sent to [email protected] .
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