Job Vacancies

Cultural Cooperation and Action Advisor (M/f) – Director of Cultural Establishment at Embassy of France to Nigeria – Apply Now

Embassy of France to Nigeria

Main activities

  • Advice to the’ambassadeur on issues within the’expertise area of the cultural cooperation and’action advisor (COCAC).
  • Definition and management of the cooperation strategy within the framework of the’action plan of the’ambassadeur in liaison with the French operators, the local partners (AFD, Regional economic service, Campusfrance, AEFE, etc, Expertise France).
  • Steering of the’Institut francais du Nigeria (IFN) in its national action of cultural coordination ; monitoring of cultural policy with the’ antenna of the SCAC in Lagos and with the’ network of the French Alliances of the country (10) ; development and monitoring of the French strategy for mobility and promotion of French higher education (2 spaces Etudes en France in Abuja and Lagos), but also on research programs ;monitoring of the audiovisual policy set up with Nigeria and all initiatives to promote French’ expertise locally.
  • Contribution to the’ elaboration of an economic diplomacy by working in interface with the other services of the’ Definition and implementation of’Annual programming, search for funding Supervision of’a team of 28 expatriates.
  • Director of the’ services group an EAF: follow-up of the budget of the’French Institute of Nigeria, of which the COCAC is the principal Coordinator.
  • Follow-up of the activities of the French Institute of Research in Africa in Ibadan, two AEFE institutions (representation of the embassy in the authorities), d’a French section in a Lebanese school and 10 French alliances. L’total School (secular mission) is currently closed for security reasons.

Diplomas or professional experience recommended to perform the duties

  • Master 2.
  • Knowledge or mastery of’a local language would be an asset. Knowledge of the region as well.

Method of Application

Interested and qualified? Go to Embassy of France to Nigeria on to apply



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