If you’re looking for a job as a custodian, it’s crucial that you nail the most important custodian interview questions and answers. We have compiled some of the most common custodian interview questions here with easy-to-understand answers.
Planning for these questions ahead of time will not only make you feel prepared but will boost your confidence as well. In this article, we will address some common custodian interview questions to help you prepare for your interview. Interesting, then we read on.
Custodian Interview Questions and Answers
Custodian and janitor interview questions and answers have been provided on this page. So if you are looking for e-discovery custodian interview questions, head custodian interview questions, evidence custodian interview questions, and lead custodian interview questions and answers, then you are on the right page.
Custodians, also known as janitors have a primary responsibility of cleaning and maintaining a building. They spend their days vacuuming, mopping, sweeping, picking up trash, or using industrial cleaning equipment for these purposes.
Make your interview process a winning one by preparing to answer the common custodian interview questions provided in this article.
Sample Custodian Interview Questions and Answers
When preparing to be interviewed for a janitor position, expect questions about how you have solved problems in your previous experience, how you clean, and how you have cared for equipment.
Custodian interview questions can be difficult for many people to answer because they are not used to answering the same types of questions that other positions might ask when interviewing potential candidates.
Here are some common custodian interview questions that you may have trouble answering if you’re not expecting them:
- Do you have any custodial experience?
- What has been your worst custodial experience?
- What are some of the challenges that custodians face in their day-to-day work lives?
- Why do you think we should hire you?
- Why did you leave your previous job?
- Do you prefer working alone or on a team? Why?
- What kind of supervisor do you prefer to work with?
- Do you have the flexibility to work overtime or on weekends?
- Are you comfortable working night shifts?
- How will you stay motivated doing repetitive cleaning tasks?
- Do you have the patience to deal with the general public while cleaning?
- How often do you believe that cleaning implements should be cleaned and maintained?
- Name a time when your patience was tested. How did you keep your emotions in check?
- How often do you clean your cleaning implements?
- What is your greatest strength?
- How often do you think about long-term goals?
- What can we expect from you in terms of quality standards?
- How would you answer if you were being asked to do something that wasn’t on your list of job responsibilities?
- What certifications do you have? What certifications would you like to earn?
Take some time to prepare for the interview and practice your answers to the above questions ahead of time. This is a great way to ensure that you don’t become nervous during the actual interview if you are the sort of person who gets nervous in interviews.
Sharing with the hiring manager any prior experience you have that is relevant to this position will be an added advantage.
If you have any questions regarding Custodian interview questions and answers, feel free to use the comment box below and we will attain to it.
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